6 July 2023

At COGEN Europe’s General Assembly in Brussels on 30 June 2023, Marco Pezzaglia from AB Energy was re-elected as Chair of the association for a third term of two years. Carl Richers from INNIO Jenbacher was also re-elected as Vice-Chair for a second term of two years. Additionally, Hans Vandersyppe from COGEN Vlaanderen was newly elected as the second Vice-Chair. Roland Deme from COGEN Hungary was elected as a new member of the Executive Committee and will effectively replace his colleague (and former Vice-Chair) Csaba Kiss.

Marco Pezzaglia addressing COGEN Europe’s Annual Conference in Brussels on 29 June 2023 [Photo: COGEN Europe]

“It is a great honour for me to be elected for a third time as Chair of COGEN Europe,” said Marco Pezzaglia following the announcement of his re-election. “The next two years will be a pivotal period for the European Union – with elections to the European Parliament followed by the appointment of a new European Commission. This will also provide an excellent opportunity for us to remind policy-makers in the EU institutions and at national level about the benefits of cogeneration technologies and the vital role that they can play in terms of boosting energy efficiency, strengthening the resilience of the entire energy system, supporting the switch to renewable energy sources and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. I will continue to work in close collaboration with COGEN Europe’s Managing Director and all the members of our Executive Committee in order to ensure that we take full advantage of this opportunity.”

The Executive Committee (ExCo) of COGEN Europe is composed of 14 cogeneration experts, each of whom represents either a national cogeneration association or a company which is an Executive Member or a Full Member. ExCo meetings are chaired by the Chair of COGEN Europe and attended by the Managing Director of COGEN Europe. The ExCo normally meets 4 times each year and its functions are twofold:

  1. To oversee the operations of COGEN Europe, advising and assisting with the management, financial prudence and staffing of the association.
  2. To provide input to the policy formulation and advocacy activities of COGEN Europe.

Here you can see a full list of the members of COGEN Europe’s Executive Committee.

From left to right: Roland Deme (COGEN Hungary), Marco Pezzaglia (Chair of COGEN Europe) and Carl Richers (Vice-Chair of COGEN Europe) [Photo: COGEN Europe]