17 June 2024

Today, Environment Ministers from the 27 EU Member States met in Brussels, where they discussed the European Commission’s communication on Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050, which recommends reducing the EU’s net greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040 relative to 1990.

Below is a statement by COGEN Europe’s Managing Director, Hans Korteweg.

COGEN Europe welcomes today’s Environment Council discussion on Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality. In this context, we wish to underline that cogeneration has a key role to play in delivering the EU’s decarbonisation plan, addressing systemic challenges relating to flexibility and adequacy, and making the most efficient use of precious energy sources such as renewable biogas, biomethane and clean hydrogen. 

The EU must now ensure a level playing field for clean energy solutions and support the necessary innovation and investments in order to reach the ambitious emissions reduction targets that have been agreed, whilst also fostering the competitiveness of Europe’s industries. A balanced and integrated policy is needed at European level, in order to support investments in energy efficient solutions and secure affordable access to clean energy.

The implementation of the 2040 target and plan will require a comprehensive impact assessment, looking at all energy efficient, flexible and renewable solutions, including cogeneration, and their contribution towards reducing emissions and enhancing the EU’s industrial competitiveness, as well as the affordability and resilience of the entire energy system.

Currently, cogeneration is embedded in Europe’s economy and communities, across district heating and key industries such as chemicals, pulp and paper, alumina, food processing and ceramics. In the future, smart and innovative CHP* will continue to play a vital role for industrial competitiveness, system efficiency and resiliency across increasingly integrated carbon neutral energy systems, complementing intermittent renewables such as wind and solar (PV), and supporting electrification.

Social Media Quote 17 06 2024

* CHP (Combined Heat and Power) is another name for cogeneration.

Further information

Environment Council, 17 June 2024

COGEN Europe’s contribution to the European Commission’s Consultation on an EU climate target for 2040 (23 June 2023)

Towards an efficient, integrated and cost-effective net-zero energy system in 2050. The role of cogeneration (Artelys 2020)

Communication from the European Commission Securing our future – Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 building a sustainable, just and prosperous society COM(2024) 63 final (6 February 2024)