St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is the largest healthcare provider in South West London (United Kingdom). A staff of 8,500 serve a local population of 1.3 million people. Around 800,000 patients are treated in the hospital each year, including more than 5,000 babies delivered.

The Trust partnered with COGEN Europe member Centrica Business Solutions to create a new energy strategy for the hospital as part of a 15-year Energy Performance Contract (EPC). The contract includes the installation of two Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units and four boilers, which form the energy centre. Centrica Business Solutions also introduced a number of schemes across the site, including lighting, a building management system, chiller replacement and split unit air conditioning optimisation.

The hospital is guaranteed to save more than £1m a year during the 15-year contract with Centrica Business Solutions. It will also save 6,000 tonnes of carbon a year, the equivalent of the emissions from 3,000 cars. The savings allow the hospital to invest more in patient care and teaching medical staff. The environmental savings help the Trust meet regulatory compliance, and act as a benchmark to other healthcare providers.

Read more details HERE