Affordable, efficient and sustainable heat with cogeneration: European perspectives and lessons learned


14 May, 2019    

As Romania is currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, COGEN Europe, COGEN Romania and ECOVIS Ciurtin and Associates are organising an event on Tuesday 14 May 2019 in Marriot Bucharest Grand Hotel, Bucharest, Romania, to debate how heat can be generated in an affordable, efficient and sustainable way.

The event will link to key topics on the EU energy agenda, prioritised by the Romanian Presidency, such as the future of the European energy system, innovation in power grids, and decarbonisation of the energy sector, including heating and cooling. Heating and cooling represents more than 50% of our energy consumption and is responsible for a high share of greenhouse gas emissions. During the event, the “Position Paper on the impact of CO2 emissions on the heat markets”, developed by Ecovis Ciurtin & Associates for COGEN Romania, will be presented in the interest of central and local authorities, and of citizens.

The event will gather views from high-level policymakers, regulatory authorities, local municipalities and industry representatives, including Mr. Doru VIȘAN (State Secretary, Romanian Ministry for Energy), Mr. Mircea GEOANĂ (President of Aspen Institute, Romania), Mr. Cristian – Silviu BUȘOI (MEP and Member of ITRE Committee), Mr. Dan BARNA (Member of Romanian Parliament), Ms. Anne Katherina WEIDENBACH (Directorate General for Energy, European Commission), Mr. Zoltan NAGY-BEGE (Vice-President, Romanian National Regulatory Agency for Energy), Vasile MUNTENIȚĂ (President of COGEN Romania), Mr. Hans KORTEWEG (Managing Director COGEN Europe) and Mr. Alexandru TELERU (Managing Director Veolia Energie Romania).

Practical info:
Time: Tuesday 14 May 2019 – from 08:30 until 14:00
Venue: Salon A Grand Balroom, JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, București, Romania

Find more info HERE
See full AGENDA