Cogeneration Days 2018


23 October, 2018 - 24 October, 2018    

COGEN Czech invites you to its 11th Annual Conference “Cogeneration Days 2018” on 23-24.October 2018 in Aquapalace hotel Prague in Cestlice. During the previous 10 years the conference has become a meeting point for experts and policy makers in the field of small and middle gas cogeneration.
The conference will focus on the role of small and virtual generators in the electricity markets.
Many other topics ranging from overall energy policy development up to best practice projects will be discussed in 6 sessions:

– Developments in the Czech and European energy sector
– Legislative conditions for cogeneration
– Electricity market and opportunities for flexible generators
– Panel debate: Access of small and virtual generators to ancillary services
– Decentralisation of the energy system
– Technology development and best practice projects

Look at the preliminary programme for further details.

Aquapalacehotel Prague
Pražská 137
251 01 Čestlice

Contacts: COGEN  Czech, Milan Simonik, +420 725 628 034,