Simon Minett installed a small cogeneration unit in his home in Belgium five years ago to save energy. Since then, Simon saw both his energy bills and carbon footprint going down.

Simon micro CHP unit

Simon Minett chose a Remeha eVita stirling engine as the cogeneration unit for heating and powering his home. Whenever there is a need for heat, his unit delivers the required energy. The installation also comprises thermal storage for both the domestic hot water and spacing heating circuits so it can run in a steady state manner. “As the house is a 1960s vintage and hard to heat, despite efforts to improve its energy efficiency, a cogeneration unit was my best option in terms of saving energy and reducing my carbon footprint in a cost-effective way”, says Simon. “Since I have my cogeneration unit at home, I purchase 82% less electricity from the grid, resulting in annual savings of around 1,000 euro. Moreover, I save now around 2,875 kg CO2 per year. A great improvement! I believe that small cogeneration units are the way forward for domestic heating. They run quietly and require no more maintenance than a regular boiler”, according to Simon.

CO2 emissions 2,875 kg of CO2
avoided per year
Financial savings Around 1,000 euro
saved per year