Our Network
COGEN Europe has built up an extensive network of partners in Brussels and beyond, including numerous European associations with whom we share information and develop joint activities. Through all the initiatives that we support, we pursue the promotion of an efficient, resilient, decentralised and decarbonised European energy system. Here we provide details about the coalitions and platforms in which we participate on an ongoing basis.
Cogen World Coalition (CWC)
The COGEN World Coalition was established in April 2021 to provide a global voice for companies and stakeholders involved in the development and utilization of cogeneration technologies. The Coalition currently has 22 members including 9 major companies who operate internationally as well as 13 national and transnational associations.
European Energy Forum (EEF)
The European Energy Forum organises discussions and debates in order to provide Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) with information and knowledge that is necessary for them to understand energy issues in the context of relevant EU policies and legislation. COGEN EUROPE is one of 90 associations, organisations and companies who support the EEF and participate in its activities as Associate Members.
European Net Zero Alliance (ENZA)
The European Net Zero Alliance (ENZA) brings together 25 European associations from across all sectors and covering the whole energy value chain. The members of ENZA are committed to working together in order to implement the energy transition and deliver the goal of climate neutrality following the “we can – we want – we will” approach. ENZA engages in dialogue with the EU institutions with the aim of contributing constructively to the development and improvement of policies and legislation at European level.